

Bicycle buses

All information about bicycle buses operated by Arriva in this region can be found on the company's website here. (

Information on bicycle buses operated by cities and municipalities can be found at the relevant information centres. You can find an overview of them on our website in the Services tab.

Transport of bicycles by Czech Railways

You can get practically everywhere with a bicycle by Czech Railways trains. Trains either have a special carriage or have a dedicated place in carriages for transporting bicycles (usually the first and last carriages). The bike is transported as accompanied luggage and you have to buy a ticket for it. Details on bicycle transport conditions can be found here. (

Czech Railways bike rentals

Czech Railways also rent bicycles, which you can transport free of charge on selected lines, and you can also use their free bicycle storage services. You usually do not have to return the bike to the same place where you rented it.

On the route of our trail you will find rentals at the following railway stations: Šumperk, Zábřeh na Moravě, Olomouc, Kroměříž, Otrokovice, Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště, Veselí nad Moravou, Hodonín, Břeclav. Details about Czech Rail Bike rentals can be found here. ( )


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